Straight Alfalfa

Straight Alfalfa



Straight Alfalfa

More nutrients, more energy — that’s what your horses get with our pure alfalfa bales. No filler, no weeds — just the highest quality alfalfa on the market. Rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals — light on carbohydrates. If you’re looking for high energy and peak performance, this is the option for you.

Each bundle includes 21 36″ square bales.

Local pickup is available for all orders at no extra cost; Please select that option at checkout.


1-30 Bundles – Flat Rate Shipping
30-60 Bundles – 2x Flat Rate Shipping
61-90 Bundles – 3x Flat Rate Shipping
90+ Contact us directly for shipping costs

Guarantee the unloading of your grass hay!

* Disclaimer: Unloading and stacking of fully intact bundles is included in the price of delivery. If for any reason the forklift is unavailable or cannot be used to unload, or a bundle is broken, customers will not receive a rebate or refund. If a bundle cannot be unloaded using the forklift, bundles may be unloaded by the customer at no charge OR by the delivery representative at a cost of $5 per bundle.


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